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Creative Bible Study Issue #51 - Devotional for a New Year January 02, 2025 |
![]() 6 Ways to Live Well in 2025The New Year is a time for refocussing...a reset. We may have veered away from God, but now Christmas has renewed our faith. Let's not leave Christmas behind! This year let's continue with Christ's Mass every day so that others may see Jesus in us and be drawn to Him for light, love and life!
1 John 2:6 - "the one who says that he remains in Him ought, himself also, walk just as He walked." Matthew 5:16 - "Your light must shine before people in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven."
The photo above was taken in the French Quarter of New Orleans. We ask you to join with us praying for the victims and families affected by this recent tragedy. Activate:* Keep the CardsChristmas cards we have received make a wonderful visual prayer list for the New Year! Keep them handy taking one out each day and pray for these special people in your life. Give God thanks for them. This is also a great idea for your family to do together during family worship or around the dinner table! * Be Intentional about being Kind, Generous & Grateful Shopping during the holidays is so different from the everyday shopping experience. During the holidays people seem kinder, more patient, joyful, generous, and grateful to others and to God. Why should this be limited to a few weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas? Let’s choose to smile at others more, be aware of their needs, give more generously, and share the joy that comes from Jesus so others may find the hope only found in Christ! A Scripture I read this morning captured my heart – “Those who look to Him for help will be radiant with joy;” Psalm 34:5a NLT Let's radiate joy and reflect His love throughout this New Year!
* Keep on Reading & Thinking About Jesus, and don't forget prayer - talking & listening to Him How many times did we read or hear the Christmas story found in Luke 2 during this Christmas season? How often Jesus came to our mind daily as we tried to keep Him in the forefront of our thoughts. Let’s not stop now! Let’s carry on! has a really great Bible reading plan that takes us through all four Gospels chronologically. Don't stop with the Christmas story of Jesus' birth; get to know Who He is by reading through His life, His teachings, His miracles, how He treated and loved those around Him, and the greatest gift - His death and resurrection! May January be a time of us beginning or continuing to soak ourselves in God’s Word and spending time with Him daily. His Words are the only ones that can penetrate to the very division of our soul and spirit, our joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires. (Hebrews 4:12) ... It changes us!
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Privacy PolicyAlso, our privacy policy has been updated for 2025 and may be found here -> privacy-policy.htmlIf you haven't had the chance to visit us in a while, check out what's new on our Creative Bible Study Blog. Blessings to you and yours as we enter this new year of 2025; we are grateful you allow us to be partners with you as we spread God's love and grace. May each of you be blessed in your ministry right where God has you - YOU MATTER! :)
Sincerely, Susan <><
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