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Dr Seuss Bible Lessons With Books

Dr Seuss Bible lessons are a great way to pair a fun read aloud with Scripture to go beyond the book itself. Whether you are parenting, teaching or sharing reading in other ways, you can use these books to impact a life for eternity!

Turn your read aloud time into a family devotion or begin your Sunday School lesson with a book to capture attention!  Stories stick with us.  We can use the power of a story paired with the power of Scripture to take its message far beyond the read!

Although Dr Seuss books may not have been written to specifically teach Christian Bible lessons to children, he did include wonderful lessons in his books that are easily adapted to teach Bible truths and morals.

Dr. Seuss Bible Lessons

Use one of the Dr Seuss books, The Sneetches, to teach a memorable Bible lesson on how we are each created uniquely special in God's eyes.

Or learn Dr Seuss Bible lessons from Horton Hears a Who of how each of us as a part of God's family needs to make our voice heard, as well as, how we can stand up for those that can make their voices heard. But the lesson the kids will identify with is how God expects us to help others when we can - no matter how old we are.

The Cat in the Hat, probably the most famous of Dr Seuss books, lends itself to a valuable lessons in learning to obey and it's always better to tell the truth.

Following are free Bible lessons which use Dr Seuss books as a "spring board" into the truths found in God's Word.

Horton hears a who
Dr Seuss Bible Lessons

Dr. Seuss Quotes

the story

Horton's tale (not tail!) can be used to introduce a Bible lesson on helping others.  Horton, the elephant, hears what no one else does - the tiny voice from a tiny village on a tiny speck of dust.  The voice is calling for help and that is just what Horton does; as Horton says -

     “I meant what I said and I said what I meant. An elephant's faithful one-hundred percent!”

Read aloud this Dr Seuss book; it's great fun! Then ask children what they think we can learn from the story. It actually teaches many lessons such as standing up for those that don't have a voice and can't be heard, to making our own voices heard. Children, however, will more than likely see the lesson of helping others that can't help themselves.

Dr Seuss bible lessons

The Bible tells us in 1 Timothy 4:12 - "Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity."

No matter how small or young they are, God can use them just as he used David to stand up to the giants of this world.

Bible stories that can be included as part of the lesson include the story of David standing up to Goliath; this is found in 1 Samuel chapter 17. A New Testament story that illustrates the point of risking your reputation, money, and even life for someone else is the story of the Good Samaritan found in Luke 10:25-38.

Both of these are great to have the children act out as an easy drama. By taking part in acting out the story, children will remember so much more.

Help them see that no matter how old they are, God can use them to help others.

Have them think of some ways they can help others. Make it into a game by having them sit in a circle and tossing a ball to each other. As the ball is tossed to them, they are to share one way they could help someone else.

the sneetches
Dr Seuss Bible Lessons

Dr. Suess Sneetches lessons

The story

One of the Dr Seuss books, The Sneetches and Other Stories, contains four different stories. Each can be used to teach children wonderful Dr Seuss Bible lessons.

The first and most well-known story in this Dr Seuss book is the tale of the Sneetches. These large yellow birds have grouped themselves into two separate groups according to if they have stars on their bellies or not. Those with stars think they are better, and the sneetches without stars wish to be like the others. With the help of a con-man named Sylvester McMonkey McBean the Sneetches finally learn that they are all the best sneetches on the beaches.

Dr Seuss Bible lessons

As the Bible teaches, we, like the sneetches, each have value and are loved by God. We have each been created by Him; we are fearfully and wonderfully made! Read aloud this wonderful Dr. Seuss book relating how we can develop the same attitudes as the Sneeteches - either we think we are better than others or we think we're not as good as someone else.

God thinks we are each special, and because of this He gave His Son, Jesus, that whoever (anyone and everyone) that would choose to believe (trust) in Him can have eternal life and live in Heaven with Him forever.

Isaiah 64:8 “But now, O LORD, You are our Father, We are the clay, and You our potter; And all of us are the work of Your hand.”

Psalm 139:14 "I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well."

John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

For an activity for this Dr Seuss Bible Lesson, have the children cut out large stars that say "I am special to God!" and tape them to their shirts over their bellies.

Or to capture their attention, give half the students a cutout star as they come into the class. As you begin teaching, give the students with a star a treat. Then ask the others how it made them feel. Ask them if this was fair. Read the story and discuss the Bible application.

There are also three more stories included in with The Sneetches and each can be used for Dr Seuss Bible lessons!

the zax -
Dr Seuss Bible Lessons

The second story in this Dr Seuss book is about two Zax that are terribly stubborn and refuse to move so the other may pass. Their stubborness keeps them stuck in the same place, and as it does, the world goes on around them and without them.

This story is very short, but lends itself to a long life-lesson. Stubbornness can keep us stuck in the same place away from God's will. When we refuse to change or turn from our own way, we will become what the Bible calls "unrepentant." When we are stuck in this place, we are no good to anyone, even ourselves.

Proverbs 14: 12 "There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death."

Jonah was like this. God had a special opportunity for Jonah, but Jonah was stubborn and refused to do what God had call him to do. If God had not sent a storm into Jonah's life and then a great fish to save him from drowning, Jonah would have been stuck in his stubborness and missed out on God's plan for his life. For more about Jonah, look in the book of Jonah in the Bible.

We also can become unmoving in our willingness to forgive others. This too can cause us to get "stuck."

Matthew 6:14-15 "For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins."

God's Word is very clear that we are not to hold on to bitterness and unforgiveness.

Use blocks and allow children to build houses, roads, etc. around little figurines that can represent the stubborn Zax.

too many daves -
Dr Seuss Bible Lessons

This short story is about a mother that names all her children Dave! How confusing would that be if we were all the same!

The Bible teaches that God knows our name.

Isaiah 49:16a "See, I have written your name on my hand." (NLV)

In fact names in the Bible were chosen because they had a special meaning for the child. Go through and have each child say their name. If time permits, look up each name and give the meaning of each. 

Emphasize to each child that they are special to God and He knows their name.

what was I scared of?

This last story in this Dr Seuss collection is a favorite of mine. It can lend itself to a special lesson on not being afraid. In the story, a pair of empty green pants are running around and the character becomes afraid. The pants show up everywhere! Finally, the character decides to face them and finds that the pants are just as scared of him.

Fear is a tool that Satan uses against all of us no matter how old we are. But did you know that there are over 365

Bible verses that basically say "don't be afraid"?! That's at least one for each day of the year!

God told Joshua -"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."

He desires the same for each of us. Jesus promises us - "And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Matthew 28:20

Paul proclaims in Romans 8:31 "What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us?"

We can face our fears with God at our side. We do not have to be afraid!

Have children draw a simple pair of pants and paint or color them green. Write Psalm 118:6 across them or under them - "The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid." Then have children memorize this precious Bible verse.

Dr. Seuss Book lessons

extra activities for dr seuss Bible Lessons & books:

66 Horton Coloring Pages

There are over 40 Dr Seuss books out there with wonderful lessons. They are also SO much fun to read with their rhyming lines!

There are so many tools in our everyday lives just like Dr Seuss books that can be used to teach creative Bible lessons. Check out our free Christian object lessons for more ideas. Also, we have other lessons using children's books other than Dr Seuss books.

More about Dr Seuss books with games & fun!

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