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These free Bible lessons for adults contain a variety of subjects; so whether you are a seasoned Bible study teacher or just beginning to read the Bible, we hope you find something that will help you dig into God's Word. We want to save you the time of looking and collect some of the best and most creative Bible lessons for adults on the web into one location for you.
As Christians, the Bible, along with God's Holy Spirit, is to be
our guide for life. Daily we need to search God's truth for how to
live, as well as how to become more and more like Christ. Let's not forget though that the Bible also teaches us Who God is; it helps us know God! God's Word is
"living and active."
Hebrews 4:12 declares -
"For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart." NASB2 Timothy 3:16-17 goes on to say -
"All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work." NASB
With words like "living", "active", "inspired", "profitable"... the Bible is anything but boring! It is the only book that can actively cause change in our lives!
When was the last time you sat down and enjoyed studying your Bible? Or
has your class started yawning as they open up God's Word? Too many
times we have in our mind that studying the Bible has to be boring (not
that any of us would admit that to another Christian!). It's not meant
to be though!
You may be thinking that you don't even know where to begin. Well, think about where you begin with any book...the beginning. Or better yet, I usually look up a summary of the book to help me understand where I'm going. A Bible summary can help us put the pieces together as we begin to study the Bible.
The Bible is God's love letter to us! It's not just for studying to obtain knowledge, but it is our guide to knowing Him! We've put together a selection of some of the best Bible verses by topic on love, fear, most quoted, etc. as a great place to get a sampling of the richness of God's Word!
In beginning to read and study the Bible, try these six simple steps on how to study the Bible. You may also want to follow a Bible reading plan. that will help you stay consistent and give you direction. There are many Bible study methods that can bring "variety & spice" to your Bible study time as well as Bible study tools to assist you in digging a little deeper.
Bible charts that
cover how the books of the Bible are organized and how they fit into
the timeline are great helps to go along with any Bible lessons for
Always start with prayer and let the Holy Spirit guide you. Remember - God's Word is living and He wants to speak to you personally. What is it that He's desiring to reveal to you right now? |
If you are confused about the many Bible translations and how to choose a Bible, try our quick Bible guide to help you find what will be best for you or your family.
A wonderful friend of mine and a teacher/writer of Bible lessons for all ages for over 35 years, Jodi Green, asked me to make these free Bible study lessons available to our website users - YOU!
You may download, print and use all or part personally or with a group for FREE! Jodi kept all copyrights so that she may offer these at no charge; there is no price she would want to put on someone experiencing God's Word!
If you would prefer a hard copy, Jodi has published these through Amazon at Old Testament 101 and New Testament 101 for the minimum amount she could.
The writer of Hebrews encourages us to hold on; don't give up!
Life is tough. Can I get a witness? Schedules overwhelm us, circumstances seem to crush us, burdens drown us, fears engulf us, and doubts inundate our thoughts, emotions, and outlook. Is it any wonder we are tired?
Lesson: Hebrews - Don't Give Up!
Learning the Bible names of God is exciting because they help us come to know Him better!
In Bible times, names meant more than a label to call someone. They were descriptive of character and gave identity. The same goes for the names of God in the Bible. They have meaning.
Our God is Elohim, our Creator, but the Bible also calls Him our Father. He is both Jehovah Jireh, the LORD Our Provider, and Jehovah Shammah, the LORD Who is There.
Each points us to His character and identity; they are based upon His attributes displayed as He interacts with mankind within the Biblical narrative and within our own stories too. God desires to be known.
Lesson: Who is God?
And don't neglect your prayer life! Prayer and Bible study go hand in hand. Take a look at this free Bible study lesson on prayer which includes creative ideas for enhancing your prayer life along with your family or students!
A friend was asking me about finding some Bible lessons for adults that covered all aspects including stewarding relationships, our gifts & talents, our time, etc. in addition to being a good steward of our financial resources.
Robert A. Linscheid has written these 8 stewardship Bible lessons for the Evangelical Covenant Church. They include several topics of stewardship along with Biblical references in an easy learning/teaching format.
Bible object lessons for adults are basically short, precise Bible studies that inspire, encourage, and help us keep our focus on Jesus even when things get super busy! These can be used for personal quiet times with God or as a short object talk for adults in groups.
We think of these as Godprints... because our fingerprints identify us, and God has placed His identifying marks all over our world and lives to point us to Him!
These become wonderful spontaneous moments in the midst of our busy day to refocus our attention on God's presence and purpose in our lives and also to activate what we learn as we use everyday objects to remind us of the truths we studied in Scripture.
Bible Seeker Lessons are short, practical, and designed to help us see and know God through connecting His Word with our everyday surroundings! He has
placed His identifying marks all over our world and lives to point us to
Him. Seeking to understand the Bible is seeking to know Him.
These short & simple Bible lessons for adults (or any age) begin with a photo of an everyday object that can remind us of God's truth and His presence throughout our day. These also include Bible lesson extension ideas to use with your kids and family.
If you're seeking to know and understand the Bible and God Himself
better, these Bible Seeker snapshot lessons can open your eyes to
recognizing God's presence and work in your everyday surroundings. God
is near. One of His names points to this truth - Jehovah Shammah. Are
we recognizing and living in His presence?
These Bible lessons are meant to be hands-on and applicable; so be creative and use your phone to take your own photo to have with you throughout the day or even share Jesus through social media such as Facebook, Instagram or Twitter!
1 Peter 3:15 challenges us: "But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,"
Find out how you can be prepared to give an answer and glorify our King by studying Christian Apologetics Bible lessons for adults.
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels
Anne explains here how to study your Bible with a 3-question technique:
Interactive Bible lessons for adults are a great way to actively involve yourself or your students in studying God's Word. We have found several different sources that offer a nice variety.
We have found a wide selection of free Bible study lessons that are printable as well as free online Bible studies. Many of these are by well known authors and pastors such as Max Lucado, Charles Stanley, Louie Giglio and Adrian Rodgers.
Special note: We do preview the websites to which we link, but are unable to peruse them completely. We try to check others' faith statements and make sure they do profess Jesus Christ as God's Son and salvation is found only in Him. It must, however, be your responsibility to personally dig into God's Word and allow the Holy Spirit to be your first and final teacher on all subjects. "Our website may contain affiliate marketing links, which means we may get paid commission on sales of those products or services we write about. Our editorial content is not influenced by advertisers or affiliate partnerships. This disclosure is provided in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR § 255.5: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” |
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