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These daily devotions for women come from my daily life to yours! Life can get hectic, and as soon as we finish our quiet time and walk away, what we've read begins to fade.
These "Godprints" devotions are designed to connect God's Word with God's world in our everyday lives so objects and events around us will continue to bring to mind truths from God's Word and reminders of His presence and His love.
Photo by lilartsy @ Pexels
Each of these daily devotions for women begins with meditation on Scripture which is connected to a lesson from an object or event in our daily life. They also include an interactive challenge to activate God's truth and remember what we've learned as we go throughout our day and week.
Below we've arranged them into sections:
You may also find these daily devotions for women organized by topic at the end of this page.
Have you ever had a total "cake failure"? I think it happens to all of us at some point. They can happen in life too...mistakes that leave us feeling hopeless.
Two words that can change everything! ...Continue
You can smell it from across the room even while they continue to play…pretending it’s really not there. The smell gives it away though; it’s the notorious “dirty diaper!”
In the past few years, our oldest daughter has fostered a couple of children going through the potty training stage. This has brought back memories of the challenges that come along with it, which we experienced with our own four! ...Continue
As a pastor's family we have moved quite often. During this past move it was difficult to find a house within our price range. We were able to downsize and find a house in a new subdivision; this was new to us.
We ended up moving into a brand-new house. I have never lived in a new house and so have discovered I had a few misconceptions. You may be like me and have thought that “new” means “perfect.” I have since learned otherwise! ...Continue just kind of sneaks up on us. It makes it harder to find things. It can distract us from our work and productivity. It can bring a heaviness.
Busyness causes me to lay things aside and leave them where they don't belong...where they get in the way. A project may not get finished, so it just stays there. Or a project is over but the leftovers get abandoned to the side because I don't want to take the time to deal with putting them where they belong. ...Continue
Sunrises can be addictive no matter where you live! They're absolutely magical - especially when their beauty is doubled by their reflection in a body of water!
The colors mystically change as the seconds tick by announcing the coming of the sun. And then...the sun appears and begins rising into the sky! ...Continue
Spiritual seasons come into our lives just like the earthly seasons God brings each year.
Spring, Summer, Fall or Winter…which would you say is your favorite season and why? I would have to say Summer is mine! I love the warmth of Summer and being an educator, school is out in the Summer…it’s vacation time!
Here in Louisiana our seasons can be confusing. ...Continue
Have you taken a walk lately? Have you ever stopped to think about what it takes to walk? You may be thinking a walk begins with one step, but I believe it actually takes two to begin a walk. Then these two steps are repeated over and over. ...Continue
Recently my husband and I got a little summer extension; we were gifted four days at the beach in mid September. We used it as a work retreat as in he sat in the AC on one side of the glass doors researching and planning sermons and I sat on the other side on the balcony writing and brainstorming.
As a family, one of our favorite beach/balcony activities is to watch for the dolphins. ...Continue
If you’re like me, I would need several hands of fingers to count how many times I compare myself to others…and that’s just in one day! God is continuing to remind me of the dangers of the “am-nots.” They can lead us to “I can’t” so “I don’t.” They can paralyze us where we are and cause us to miss “I AM!”
During the last few weeks I have been subbing for an elementary art teacher for her 6-week maternity leave. I was tempted to say I “am not” an artist and can’t be a substitute for an art teacher, but God had other plans…better plans! ...Continue
A hummingbird just zoomed past as I sit on our porch for my morning quiet time with the Lord. Sometimes I need that reminder of life being fleeting. It’s important to be aware of the moments which seem to zoom by us.
Being present in the present is truly a gift. It’s a gift we receive from our Father above as well as a gift we can give to those around us. ...Continue
This morning as I sat with the LORD, I was praying about some tough situations. Have you ever begun to wonder what you were doing wrong because one thing after another didn’t seem to go right? But what if God only gave us blessings?
I will admit I kill plants either by forgetting to water them or by watering them too much. In the times of over watering, my plants have experienced root-rot. God knows if He only allowed blessings in our life, left us in our comfort zones…our faith may begin to rot. ...Continue
We probably would all agree that snow is beautiful (cold, but beautiful)! We look out and call it a Winter wonderland. Every snowflake is unique and beautiful…but did you know every snowflake begins with a piece of dust? (NOAA - Science Behind Snow)
How beautiful is a speck of dust?! It reminds me of how God can make anything beautiful…including me! ...Continue
Daily devotions for women pop up all around us...even at the strangest of times. Let's keep our eyes and ears open to hear God speak.
God's Headlights - Finding our way when we don’t know what’s ahead…
I had a vivid dream the other night. It was one that I thought there was no way I would forget! It seemed there was such a message in it.
Well…I should have jotted it down right then and there, because all I could remember the next morning was – ...Continue
Both the dictionary and thesaurus view grooves and ruts as synonyms. And though they are similar in many ways, they each actually differ in both plan and purpose.
While both are considered indentations possibly caused over a period of time, a “groove” has a design of purpose while a “rut” can cause us to get stuck in routine out of habit or path of least resistance.
As followers of Christ, it is important to stop and evaluate from time to time our place of service. ...Continue
My husband loves to find old coins; he has even taught our kids over the years to sort through his loose change looking for coins with old dates! They have learned it’s not necessarily the bright shiny ones that have extra value; it’s usually the dingy, dark ones.
Experience. We tend to neglect its value. Sometimes it’s the scratches and age that prove we have lived, prove we have learned from experience. ...Continue
Taking care of our health is critical. We put a lot of time and expense into our physical, emotional and psychological health, but what about our spiritual health? Daily devotions for women can assist us in this very task!
2 Timothy 4:8 says, "for bodily training is just slightly beneficial, but godliness is beneficial for all things, since it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come."
How important keeping a healthy mind is in this day and age! There has been such an increase in depression, confusion, anxiousness, fear and mental illness. We may not be immune to these, but God's Word does give us solid instruction for guarding and renewing our minds.
In 1 Corinthians 2:16 Paul focuses on the change that has been made in a believer's life because we have received God's Holy Spirit. This change affects everything about us including our minds! ...Continue
Think about it....breathing is something we are constantly doing. Stop for a moment and see how long you can hold your breath. Why couldn't you continue holding your breath? Yes, we need to breathe to live! That's just how our bodies work.
Prayer can be a lot like breathing. ...Continue
We had water games at our Vacation Bible School; so all our 5th & 6th graders stuck their name tags on Carrie and dubbed her “The Name Tag Nanny!”
She appeared to be having an identity crisis! That got me to thinking…
How often do we have identity crises? When life changes, as it often does, it may cause us to feel like our identity changes with it.
When our job changes, we may go from identifying ourselves as “employed” or a job title such as a “librarian” or “nurse” to “unemployed” or “retired.” No longer does that skill or title define us. ...Continue
This race is a marathon that takes endurance. It’s not a sprint and it’s not in competition with other believers. It’s a race towards a goal. It’s a race running forward…not backward. It's a race moving forward in HOPE! ...Continue
Wedding lessons I've learned from wedding planning are way more than just about weddings; they're teaching me about real life!
No, I’m not a wedding planner; I am the mother of the bride doing the planning! This means I have had no training and am dependent on others for information and expertise…aka learning along the way!
It’s in the midst of this wedding planning though that God has seen fit to use it as a spiritual classroom for me! ...Continue
I live in what many call the “Bible belt” in the USA. There are churches on almost every corner and because of that, many have been lulled into the false hope of religion and doing good works to make them right with God.
I was one of these. I grew up in church and Sunday school. We prayed before meals at our house and each had our own Bible. I totally missed Jesus though! Oh, I knew about Him in my head like I know the facts about George Washington or Abraham Lincoln, but I didn’t know Jesus as my companion every day. I didn’t know Him through a personal relationship. ...Continue
The "Lull" before a New Year, December 26th – December 31st , usually becomes a time of reflection. It’s a small gap in which we reflect on the past year, both the successes and regrets, while also looking ahead to a new year filled with possibilities. One of the best steps we can take during this time is to NOT leave Christmas behind! ...Continue
If you're looking for daily devotions for women on a certain topic, take a look through the following topics or scroll down to see everyday object or events that may relate to where you are today.
Following are a few of my favorite women's devotionals that I have "walked" through in my own life.
This is a devotional for young women I received to review and it is amazing!
This little book of 365 daily devotions for women will open your eyes to a new perspective and view of some of the more familiar women such as Eve, Sarah, Hannah, Rahab, Mary etc. that will also cause you to ponder and even possibly form a new view of yourself as well as the women around you. Topics such as confidentiality, treating others with respect, not having to be the center or star, comparison & jealousy, and God can even use our mistakes are all covered. The first to be emphasized though is “Girls and women are not God’s afterthoughts. We’re His daughters. Valued. Adored. Cherished. Beloved.”
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Priscilla's first devotional book takes us on a 90 day journey with the God Who Speaks. From the heart of a mom, wife, encourager, and friend, she gives us fresh insights into Scripture for daily devotions for women. Our affiliate link if you wish to purchase - Awaken: 90 Days with the God Who Speaks |
New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation
Special note: We do preview the websites to which we link, but are unable to peruse them completely. We try to check others' faith statements and make sure they do profess Jesus Christ as God's Son and salvation is found only in Him. It must, however, be your responsibility to personally dig into God's Word and allow the Holy Spirit to be your first and final teacher on all subjects. "Our website may contain affiliate marketing links, which means we may get paid commission on sales of those products or services we write about. Our editorial content is not influenced by advertisers or affiliate partnerships. This disclosure is provided in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR § 255.5: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” |
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