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These five free Christmas Bible study lessons are designed to encourage children, youth and even us as adults to discover the wonder of Christmas anew using our five senses.
Lesson 1 - HOPE - “Hear the Bells of Hope” as we discover how Zachariah and Elizabeth heard the prophecies bringing hope to our world.
Key takeaway: In times of waiting in our lives, we can trust God's plan and that He is at work. Nothing takes God by surprise. A great deal took place that first Christmas even before Jesus was born. There was great expectation and probably also fear of the unknown for those who lived it.
Lesson 2 - LOVE - “See the Light of Christ” encourages us to allow Jesus, the Light of the World, to help us see the true love of God.
Key takeaway: That first Christmas the True Light came into the world. He came so that we might know and see God and His great love more clearly. We don't have to stay in darkness or live in fear.
Lesson 3 - JOY - “Stinky Shepherds & Joy” reveals to us that God accepts all who come to Him, and just like the shepherds, we can share the joy that comes from knowing Jesus.
Key takeaway: Aren't you glad God does the unexpected? God didn't wait for us to get everything right and get ourselves all cleaned up; He offers to do it for us!
Lesson 4 - PEACE - “Hold on to His Touch of Peace” – Simeon and Anna were able to come close to baby Jesus even holding Him. Just like them, we can draw close and receive the peace of God.
Key takeaway: True peace is found in God's presence as we learn to hold on to Jesus.
Lesson 5 - GRACE - “The Inside Gift: Sweet Taste of Grace” takes a look not only at the wise men and their gifts, but also, God’s gift of grace and how sweet it is!
Key takeaway: Because of God's great gift of grace, we can know Jesus! He gives us eternal life and remains with us always. Jesus is God's INSIDE GIFT, and He keeps on giving His grace beyond Christmas, and so can we!
Each lesson also corresponds with the themes for the Advent Season - hope, love, joy and peace. The fifth lesson focuses on grace and what's next - the wonder of the wise men and may correspond with the center Christ candle which is optional.
Thank you so much for subscribing to our newsletter and visiting Creative Bible Study! Here's your free download for these lessons:
As an extra, you may also download 14 Promises from God! May you and yours have a blessed and joyful Christmas and beyond!
We also have six free Christmas Bible study lessons taking a fresh look of WONDER through the eyes of those present that first Christmas.
Moments of Wonder include:
These Christmas Bible verse tags can be downloaded and used on gifts, hung on a ribbon to read each day counting down the days to Christmas or used as a free Christmas Bible study Advent Calendar; there are 24 in total.
This page also contains an interactive reading of the Christmas Bible story. Here's a sample:
The Christmas story…where do we begin? In a manger? With the angels or a tiny baby?
No…let’s go back to the beginning…way back to the very beginning – before mangers, before the angels, before any tiny baby or any other creation.
Genesis 1:1 begins the story of “The Promise”…”In the beginning God.” God began it all, and Jesus was there in the beginning. He is God and He created all. The Gospel according to John begins:
“In the beginning was the Word (Jesus), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He
was in the beginning with God. All things came into being by Him and apart from Him nothing
came into being that has come into being. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.”
The world God created was GOOD! It was perfect!
But then something happened. You see, God created us (men, women, boys & girls) to know Him and to love Him. Love cannot be forced though; it must be a choice. So God gave each of us a choice to love Him back…or not to love Him back.
God placed Adam & Even in a perfect place, but they chose to not trust God; they chose to disobey God. That’s called sin. They chose something else over loving God, and because of that, the world needed a Savior…we each need Jesus as our Savior!
You see, before time began, before the world was created, God made a choice – a choice to love us – me, and you, and you…[may want to actually call out names of those present] and to give us “The Promise”.
[Quote John 3:16 together]
A Christmas devotion for each of the 25 days counting down to Christmas - daily Bible study for the whole family!
It’s almost December and although stores have had Christmas decorations out since before Thanksgiving, how many of us have actually begun focusing our thoughts and hearts on the object of Christmas – Jesus?
Have we hesitated a moment before buying that special gift for someone to think about God’s most precious gift of His Son? Have the hanging of Christmas lights caused us to praise Jesus for coming into this darkness as the Light of the World?
Other Christian Christmas ideas along with Christmas object lessons may be found on our Christmas Page!
Special note: We do preview the websites to which we link, but are unable to peruse them completely. We try to check others' faith statements and make sure they do profess Jesus Christ as God's Son and salvation is found only in Him. It must, however, be your responsibility to personally dig into God's Word and allow the Holy Spirit to be your first and final teacher on all subjects. "Our website may contain affiliate marketing links, which means we may get paid commission on sales of those products or services we write about. Our editorial content is not influenced by advertisers or affiliate partnerships. This disclosure is provided in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR § 255.5: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” |
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