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This Bible object lesson uses a magnifying glass and/or binoculars to demonstrate how when we "Zoom In" on God, it not only brings us peace and encouragement, but also helps others see how BIG and wonderful He is!
Photo by Wallace Chuck from Pexels
Lesson Title: Zoom In!
Object: Magnifying glass and/or Binoculars
Primary Scriptures: Psalm 34:3, Psalm 63:30-32, Romans 1:20
Main Point: When we magnify God (tell of His greatness), it encourages us and helps other see God all around us.
Demonstrate how the magnifying glass (or magnifier on your phone) can help you see small things when you ZOOM in. Magnify words in the Bible along with other small objects. Talk about how God's Words along with His creation helps us see how amazing He is which leads us to "magnify" and praise Him!
You may also want to go outside and use binoculars (or again your camera on your smart phone) to demonstrate how when things are far away they may seem small, but when we ZOOM in, we see how actually they are very large! Talk about how sometimes it may seem like God is far away, but again His Word along with His creation reminds us just how BIG, how close and how amazing He really is!
Introduce both Psalm 34 and Psalm 69 as Psalms written by David. Give students a chance to brainstorm all they remember about David - both good and bad. David's life was not always easy, but he learned that when He focused on the bigness of God, it made his problems seem much smaller in comparison.
Look up & read Psalm 34:3 and Psalm 69:30-34
"Oh, magnify the Lord with me,
and let us exalt His name together!"
Psalm 34:3 ESV
"I will praise the name of God with a song;
I will magnify Him with thanksgiving.
This will please the Lord more than an ox
or a bull with horns and hoofs.
When the humble see it they will be glad;
you who seek God, let your hearts revive."
Psalm 69:30-32 ESV
Ask students to listen for or locate the word that is contained in both. When someone says "magnify," stop and talk about what this word means.
Webster's Dictionary defines magnify as -
Definition of magnify
Other Bible translations may read - "exalt", "tell of His greatness", or "glorify".
To magnify or "zoom in" causes us to take a closer look, to bring into focus. That's what these verses encourage us to do. David tells us to take a closer look of how big God really is; focus on His greatness and tell others about Him.
He has revealed Himself through nature, through His Word and ultimately through His Son, Jesus Christ. God wants to be seen and known!
"For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For His invisible attributes, namely, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse."
Romans 1:19-20
"The heavens declare the glory of God,
and the sky above proclaims His handiwork.
Day to day pours out speech,
and night to night reveals knowledge."
Psalm 19:1-2 (Another Psalm of David)
Use the following Bible verses for students to look up and then "zoom in" to take a closer look at objects in nature reminding them that God reveals Himself through both His Word and His world. Take time to discuss how each can point to God's greatness and magnify Him.
Take time to pray. I love to have students do "popcorn prayers." This is where they take turns popping off short one sentence prayers. Give them guidance by giving a starter phrase such as:
Allow time for several students to pray and then lead into the next. The Bible tells us God inhabits the praise of His people; students need to also learn that pray is not just about "asking"'s also about MAGNIFYING!
For older students or adults, have them look up Psalm 86 and pray David's prayer as their own.
© Copyright 2021 Susan Smart
For younger kids, this is a simple craft from items around the house. You'll need a sheet of paper, tape, scissors, two toilet paper rolls or cut a paper towel roll, colors/markers, and string or ribbon.
Cut the paper so that it will wrap around the two rolls when taped together. Allow students to write Psalm 34:3 and decorate by drawing things from nature. Wrap the rolls when finished, tape in place, punch holes & thread string so it can hang around a child's neck.
Encourage kids to use their homemade binoculars to look for things God created and remember how amazing He is and tell others.
For other object lessons like "Zoom In!" take a look at our Object Lesson Index A-Z with more than fifty creative lessons.
Full Bible lesson I taught:
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