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Object Lessons for Preschoolers - Kindness

preschool object lesson on kindness

Jesus often taught with parables.  Bible object lessons are similar in that they take an earthly object like a sponge, rock or penny and use it to teach a spiritual lesson like how we can know God is near even though we can't see Him.

Toddlers and preschoolers are like little sponges ready to soak up learning from their environments.  Why not connect God's world around them with God's Word to help them be able to say - "I spy God!"

Object Lessons #2 - Kindness

Lesson Title:  Soft or Hard?

Object:  Cotton balls and rocks

Bible Verses:  Ephesians 4:32

Main Point:   Help preschoolers understand kindness through object lessons.  Our words and actions can be kind & soft or hard & hurtful.

"Be kind to one another" 

Ephesians 4:32

Allow kids to hold a rock in one hand and a cotton ball in the other.  Ask which one is soft?  Which one is hard?  Which one would hurt if someone threw it at you?

Explain that our words and actions can be soft like the cotton ball and show kindness or they can be hard like a rock and hurt others.

The Bible tells us we are to be kind to one another.  Have preschoolers practice saying the Bible verse along with its reference.  Say it in a loud voice.  Say it in a small voice.  Say it in a silly voice.

Talk about soft or kind things we can say to others such as - "Thank you.", "Please.", "I love you.", etc.  As the kids say kind words give them a cotton ball for each.   

Let them have fun throwing the cotton balls at each other.  Ask if they hurt or feel soft.  

Repeat that God does not want us to throw hurtful words or actions at others like rocks; God wants us to be kind to one another.

Talk about soft or kind things we can do such as share, help, hug, etc.  Have them touch each other with a cotton ball and repeat "Be kind."

Object Lessons Activities

Cotton Clouds

Show preschoolers how to stretch and pull a cotton ball then glue to a piece of blue construction paper to make soft clouds.  Tell them when they see the soft clouds in the sky, to remember God wants us to be kind to one another.  Write the Bible verse with reference on their page.

Read a Book about Being Kind

You may already have a book about kindness around your house or find one at your local library.  When children hear and see kindness being modeled by the characters in the book, it will help them have a more concrete idea of what kindness is.

Plant God's Word

Toddlers and preschoolers are not too young to plant God's Word in their hearts. Pass a ball or stuffed animal or cotton ball back and forth repeating Ephesians 4:32 with them.

Pray Together

Pray with children and ask God to help each of you to be kind to others.


Sing a song about kindness together:

© Copyright 2019 Susan Smart

Use another preschool object lesson using air to show God is all around us or teach forgiveness using a mirror.

More cotton ball crafts -

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